I’ve always worked under the assumption that I lead a truly blessed life and because of that, I try to give back in whatever way possible. Since one of my more developed talents lies in the realm of Information Technology and Software Engineering, it would seem only natural that I utilize these talents to give back and support my community. I’ve been given the opportunity to do so in support of The CARE Center located in New Hope, AL by providing IT support for managing their Volunteer and Constituent base through the use of Salesforce and by working to keep their website up to date.
Salesforce Integration
Over the past few years, the number of individuals involved with The CARE Center has increased dramatically. Whether it was by providing assistance to neighbors in need within the New Hope community or by managing the contact information for the hundreds of volunteers, The CARE Center was in great need of a system that could organize and efficiently manage this large number of individuals. Through the use of the generous offer provided by the Salesforce Foundation, The CARE Center was able to participate in this special donation from Salesforce which grants The CARE Center access to a limited number of Salesforce Enterprise licenses using a system that is uniquely developed in the support of non-profits. As part of my attempt to give back, I was able to secure the use of this program, configure the software to best utilize it in support of The CARE Center, and continue with ongoing maintenance of the system as the number of individuals within the organization continues to grow. If you would like more information on the services performed, you can use the Contact page to send me a message.
Web Site Management
For The CARE Center, maintenance of their website is a critical tool to provide information to both constituents and volunteers. As an additional aspect to giving back to the community, I continue to support The CARE Center in the maintenance and modification of their web site which allows them to utilize their limited financial resources to services and ministries for the community they serve. If you have any questions regarding information on the web site, please use the Contact page to send me a message.