Tiers of Joy
How you plan the information architecture of your SharePoint environment is an important decision. You must put some time in to really understand your content and make sure that the structure of your content...
How you plan the information architecture of your SharePoint environment is an important decision. You must put some time in to really understand your content and make sure that the structure of your content...
Corporate intranets are critical to the productivity of a organization and the productivity of an employee is as intricately tied to profit as is the money coming in from customers. Profits are tied to productivity and...
In recent weeks, Microsoft has made some amazing announcements with new and updated services for their SharePoint and Office 365 platforms. One of these services is Microsoft Flow. If you’ve heard the chatter, some...
As a child, there’s nothing better than opening up that toy you’ve been longing to have for months or, as an adult, maybe it’s the smell of the new car scent. That moment, the...
As I’ve worked with SharePoint over the past several years, more specifically the client side development aspect of it, one component of JavaScript Object Model that I can’t live without is the _spPageContextInfo object....